
Advanced Upset Prevention and Recovery Training is one of the shortest practical flying training and it is the final step before the type rating course at an airline. While it is a relatively new training introduced in late 2019, its concept had been used in older pre-EASA trainings throughout the world. Upset Recovery Training helps you to recognize the unintentional situations arising during normal operation, when the aeroplane is doing something different than you intended or when you approach the operating limitations during flight. Flight safety is the most important key factor in aviation and this training gives you the experience to recognize the unsafe flying manoeuvres before it is too late to recover.

Course description

The Advanced Upset Recovery consists of a theoretical training and 3 hours of practical flying done on two different type of aircraft. One of them for the first part of the training, such as nose high or nose low recovery and spiral dive, and the second one for the stall recovery, spin avoidance and incipient spin part. Duration of the UPRT course is around 2-3 days in optimum weather conditions.


  • ICAO Aviation English minimum Level 4 OR Hungarian Level 4 with any proof to understand English

  • Valid EASA medical class 2 or higher

  • Valid EASA PPL license or higher


advanced uprt // €980

2 hours practical flight on Viper SD-4, 1 hour practical flight on utility C172 or Pipistrel SW121

  • Price includes: aircraft fees, theory consultation, instructor fees, airport usage

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